knife n. (pl. knives ) 1.小刀;餐刀;菜刀。 2.〔诗〕短刀,匕首。 3.【机械工程】(切断器的)刃部;(机器上的)刀具[刀片]。 4.〔 the knife〕 【外】手术刀。 a folding knife折刀。 a knife and fork (吃西餐用的)一副刀叉。 a pocket knife(可折合的)小刀。 a table knife餐刀。 before you can [could] say knife〔口语〕说时迟那时快;一眨眼;突然。 cut like a knife(风等)冷得刺骨。 get [have] a [one's] knife into sb. 对某人报复,猛烈攻击某人,同某人过不去。 go [pass] under the knife〔口语〕动外科手术,开刀。 have a horror of the knife 怕动外科手术。 play a good knife and fork 吃得津津有味;饱餐一顿。 sharpen one's knife for sb. 准备惩罚[攻击]某人。 That one could cut it with a knife…十分明显的,非常压抑的。 under the knife 〔口语〕动外科手术。 war to the knife 血战,鏖战。 vt. 1.拿小刀切;拿尖刀戳。 2.〔口语〕秘密打击,用阴险手段击败,背叛。 3.刀切似地穿过。 4.用括刀涂(颜料等)。 vi. (刀似地)劈开,穿过。
It seems to be a table knife of mongolian or other minorities 似乎是蒙族或其他少数民族餐刀?
“ with two table knives ? ” kreiger said , slicing the air with his scythes “ go back to your bath and forget i was here “就用这两把餐刀? ”克里奇挥舞着他的镰刀问道。 “回去洗澡,就当你什么都没看到。 ”
With a tip of toothipick you slide across the surface to create stripes or swirl the whole mixture with a table knife until it resembles a marbled effect 然后用牙签轻轻在表面上划出条纹状抑或用餐刀将其划成彩石状。
She sustained a stab wound on her left back shoulder . a pointed table knife with bloodstains was found on the ground about 20 feet from her 她背部左边肩膀被利器刺伤,一把染有血迹的尖餐刀被发现在距离她约二十尺外的地上。
The sale of these items at all airport shops and the use of table knives with blade in catering outlets within the esra will also be banned . plastic knives , however , are permitted for meal services 此外,位于机场禁区内的商店亦不准售卖以上物品,而食肆则不准向顾客提供有刀刃的餐刀,只可提供塑胶刀。
The murdered man lay on the floor , his head leaning against the wall , and about him was a pool of blood which poured forth from three large wounds in his breast ; there was a fourth gash , in which a long table knife was plunged up to the handle 那被害的人正躺在地板上,头靠着墙壁,浑身鲜血淋淋,血从他胸部的三个伤口里直喷出来,在第四个伤口里,插着一把厨房里用的切菜刀,只剩刀把还露在外面。
a knife used for eating at dining table
A table knife is an item of cutlery, part of a table setting. Table knives are typically of moderate sharpness only, designed to cut only prepared and cooked food.